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Showing posts from 2020

On parenting and...Coronavirus

This post begins with a little disclaimer – it could be worse. All I have had to worry about over the past two months has been keeping my kids fed, entertained and passably clean. I am not on the frontline, I am not a keyworker expected to keep showing up against all the odds and, although I am furloughed, my job security is not threatened. There may be a bit of moaning in the paragraphs ahead, but I have not lost all sense of perspective or gratitude at the privileged position I am in compared to thousands of others. However, there are fundamental issues with using ‘it could be worse’ as a comforting life philosophy. Some days it is immaterial whether or not it  could  be worse  –  it’s still bloody hard. And there have been many, many days over the past two months that have felt significantly longer than their allotted 24 hours. Looking after my kids in these strange times has been a test of patience, endurance, creativity and humour – it has been a Mega Parent Challenge that